Probably should have said "has more potential"...bigger market...probably more fundraising potential. Also San An has definitely built up the quality of their program quicker then we have. I don't like it, but I'm not in a position to address it. As a matter of fact, I fucking hate it.
Almost all southwestern towns that we were on the same level about 20 years ago have improved themselves and grown, or at least it appears in the eyes of the rest of the naïve nation. We're still trying to save small Podunk neighborhoods instead of making way for a big downtown arena and further revitalization. That said, El Paso has done well in its growth over the past two, possibly three years. Lowest unemployment rate since 1990, El Paso housing strong, Business cycle trending up since 2008...
Also should have said Bagley. Late at night my tablet does weird things to whatever I type. I'm definitely getting Old man's disease....