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heads must roll
« on: October 05, 2019, 09:23:17 PM »
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  • Someone's ass needs to get fired.  Presumably it can't be Dimel, so it needs to be Canales and the special teams coach.  Granted we don't have a lot of talent, but game planning, game management, adjustments, continual drive-killing penalties, fundamentals -- these are on the coaching staff.

    The D has not been good, but they have been good enough to give us a chance if we had a competent offense.  If Dimel/Canales had pulled the plug on Kai earlier we might have won.  We may be the worst talent in D1, but there is no excuse for also being the worst coached.

    Stull mailed it in.  Natalicio let him.  We can't continue on that path.

    Wilson has to demand accountability from Senter.  Senter has to demand accountability from Dimel.  Dimel has to fire his OC and special teams.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 07:49:30 AM »
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  • I can already tell you what will be said.  Dimel will say it was dropped passes and penalties that caused the loss.  Locksley being one dimensional and easy as fuck to defend against, even for a flat out horrible team such as UTSA, BUT left in the game for three quarters of stunningly bad offense will not have been the problem at all.  Read what the local writers are writing.  No questioning of coaching will be found.  Instead, they will cover for him.  You don't bite the hand of the one who feeds you.

    Btw, has it occurred to anyone that the fucking stupid penalties are the result of having an idiot hc making his team look stupid!  Is it possible that the players are as pissed off as I am about the idiot coach leaving Locksley at quarterback for three quarters of stunningly bad offense before trying something different!  People complaining about the undisciplined play and blaming the players or the coaching for not having the players disciplined?  I see it a little differently.  I see players playing their hearts out only to have a dumbassed hc putting them at a horrible disadvantage only to be embarrassed by another team having record days when they are almost as bad as the Miners.  That would frustrate the dog shit out of me and I would want to fight about it even after the whistle.  And since they can't go punch the fucking coach...

    Here's what UTEP's porch looks like. 

    But, you should see the inside!

    « Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 08:35:26 AM by kyyote »


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #2 on: October 06, 2019, 08:28:53 AM »
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  • I love how Dimel is positive & encouraging to his kids, however, what we see on the field shows the kids lack discipline & talent. I could have easily gone to the game last night, but I really didnt want to, because i knew we would see these kind of results.
    I was at the dinner on Friday night honoring Distinguishes Miners & Gold Nugget Awards & I ran into Senter. I didnt say your doing a great job, because this football program is struggling badly in year 2 under his watch. Basketball cant atart soon enough.
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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #3 on: October 06, 2019, 10:12:25 AM »
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  • The lack of discipline was particularly disappointing last night. At this point of the season, one would like to see some improvement and players developing...I don't see that at all. The players are consistently making stupid mistakes and that's all on the coaching. The offense is anemic, the defense is a sieve. The offensive line is comprised of immobile oxen and the defensive line is regularly overpowered. Dimel has to make some major adjustments on offense or this will be another 1 win season. I just don't see how he'll have any success recruiting this year without tangible signs of improvement. The clock on Dimel's future here I presume has started.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #4 on: October 06, 2019, 01:40:28 PM »
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  • The clock on Dimel's future here I presume has started.

    I agree.
    « Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 02:03:33 PM by UTEPDefense »


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #5 on: October 06, 2019, 06:34:28 PM »
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  • A coach has to have a very important talent and that is COMMON SENSE. I now know that Dim doesn't have a lick of sense when he leaves Kai in the game for 3 quarters. Everyone that has seen Kai's results know that he cannot play QB. He lacks the smarts and the skills needed to run a team. But, do you think he cares? Heck no. Just the fact that the coach had to save him from getting kicked off the team when he screwed up because in the coaches eyes he NEEDED him to run the team just shows how dumb this coach is.

    I will ask this AD next time I see him if he thinks that Dim is the coach we need for our fb team and if he says yes I'll just tell him to look at the empty stands and that alone proves that Dim is not the answer. We will need bread wrappers just to bring in the fans which the fans in their common sense would rather recycle the wrapper instead of wasting their time watching this mess of a fb team. Thanks Senter, thanks Dim, I hope you enjoy your empty seats.

    ps. If Dim doesn't want to let a redshirt QB become our QB and let him get experience then that reinforces his lack of Common Sense. He's gonna lose with the current crop so why not at LEAST GIVE a chance to a better QB. Which brings up this question: Do we even have another QB besides that joker from LC that didn't pan out either?


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #6 on: October 07, 2019, 10:23:10 AM »
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  • Lots of people are saying we are stuck with Dimel for the next three years.  Best case scenario would be if he turned the program around from the ground up.  Right?  What does turn it around and build it from the ground up mean?  A contender for conference champ?  Competitive to the point that we have a chance of winning most all of our games, winning half?  Or winning four games a season?  That would be a 400% improvement wouldn't it.  Worst case scenario is we lose the rest of the games this season and stay at 1 win or less for the next three years.

    If we became a contender for conference championships everyone would be happy happy.  If we won half of our games, most would be happy.  Hell, winning four games a season would be enough for a huge portion of the folks of El Paso.  Chances of the first option happening?  You tell me.  Ten percent?  Winning half?  Really is hard to pick a number, isn't it.  I'll throw a number out just for discussion's sake.  Looking through orange shades 50% and my cynical view might be more like 15-20% chance of that.  Based on history I tend to lean toward the cynical side.  Four games a season?  Just about the same.  But, let's go up to 50% chance of that happening.  Who wants to put a number to winning less than four games a season for the next 3 years?  Seventy-five percent chance?

    Now, think about what the implications might be for 3 more years of 1 or 2 win seasons.  The attendance for Homecoming was said to be 13k and the game before was announced as 10 or maybe 9k.  What will attendance be like for the rest of the time he is here and think of the revenue thrown out the window.  Seven hundred thousand times three is 2.1 million.  Now, if the attendance went from 10k @ 10 bucks a head/game increased to 20k@ 10 bucks a head/game in attendance to watch a team with a chance.  Multiplied by 6 home games and the change pays for itself, basically.  BUT, three more years of 10k or less at the games and ask yourself if the University would be willing to take the loss or just drop FBS football?

    Finally, here is a Monday morning head scratcher I would love to know a whole lot more about.  We have those nice new renovated club boxes to watch football from.  Who is there?  I want names.  I want to know if they are happy with their new digs AND the hc!  Are they fine with spending the money to be comfy watching shit drying of the Sun Bowl turf or would they rather sit on a damned bleacher seat with the rest of us and watch football coached by a coach winning football games with a crowd of 35-50k fans?  Priorities!  Comfy few and stuck with a loser or normal seats and winning football?  All of us should be asking about priorities!  Our front porch, as our new President of the University calls our football program is the worst in the entire United States but we have new fancy ways for a few people to watch the shit show!  Now, loads of folks will put that on Stull and Natalicio and by God they should, but what is being done to change it?  Has anyone thought to ask Wilson what she thinks and what she is going to do to fix it?  Or is it not her problem because she is new and needs time?  If you have the shanty front porch of a home you just inherited do you put a new chair on it or do you clean up the fucking trash and nail down the loose boards and replace the rotten wood holdup the roof?  We have a new chair.  Finally, finally.  Has anyone heard anyone of any consequence make any sounds of urgency to do anything about the prospects for the future of football at UTEP?  How many of you figure that the powers that be at UTEP are just going around making excuses and saying it isn't my fault.  How many are just resigned to the idea of this is how UTEP is.  You know we have never been a football school.  We are a Basketball and Track and Field school.  That right there is some pure fucking bullshit!  The fucking UTEP MINERS CAN win football.  It has been done.  Accidently, for sure.  Every 25 years or so we stumble into finding a nugget out in the desert.  Then we go back to looking for gold in the desert instead of going to where the gold is.  And sit in our nice new chair on our dilapidated shitty fucking front porch.   


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #7 on: October 07, 2019, 11:52:47 AM »
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  • Great post Ky. I'm glad you feel the same way we all are here in the Den and since I also read the other post where there's fans that are willing to still give Dim a chance at a shitty product it befuddles me. JUST the fact that Dim is adamant in using those two failures they call QBs (we don't) is proof positive that Dim doesn't KNOW what he's doing. If I supervised my crew during my working days the way this guy(s) do the flying public would be in a world of shiate. I never would place a crew member driving a 3000 gallon rig if I didn't feel he was capable. It took time before I would let them respond as driver. If anything I always had 2 people in the same truck as insurance. Dim doesn't believe in placing anyone as QB but those two who aren't capable.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #8 on: October 07, 2019, 12:45:52 PM »
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  • Quote
    What does turn it around and build it from the ground up mean?
    To me, it means bowl eligible most years, seriously competitive for conference championship a couple times a decade.

    Would i want more once we were there?  Hell yes.  But I wouldn't call for the head of a guy that got us there and kept us there.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #9 on: October 07, 2019, 01:24:23 PM »
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  • YES, we have other quarterbacks but I am afraid they may be able to pass and aren't running backs and that is why they can never see the field of play!  Check it out;

    Kai Locksley

    Brandon Jones

    We have seen them for two years.  We know this devil.

    But check these guys out and their athletic credentials;

    Mark Torrez
    2018 (SOPHOMORE): Played in one contest (vs. Southern Miss).

    2017 (RS FRESHMAN): Played in seven contests under center … rushed for 38 yards and a touchdown … threw for 126 yards on 14-of-48 passing … scored first collegiate touchdown on a six-yard rush and added season highs in completions (six) and passing yards (59) against Arizona … completed first collegiate pass on a seven-yard toss at no. 7 Oklahoma … rushed for a season-high 31 yards on seven attempts and threw for 38 yards (four completions) at rival NM State … threw for 22 yards (three completions) at North Texas … rushed for 15 yards on two carries at UAB.

    2016: Redshirted.

    PRIOR TO UTEP: Played on the varsity squad all four years at Eastwood ... put up staggering numbers in 12 games during senior season ... led district in passing yards (3,837) and touchdowns passes (41) on 277-of-389 passing (71.2 percent) and only nine interceptions ... averaged 319.8 passing yards per contest ... ranked fifth in district with 1,026 yards rushing on 117 attempts (8.8 avg.) and 15 rushing scores ... ranked sixth in the state of Texas in touchdown passes, second in passing yards and third in completions ... chipped in with a pair of receiving scores in 2015 ... helped surge the Troopers to a 9-3 overall record ... threw for a career-high 545 yards on 33-of-50 passing with four scores during a 6A bi-district playoff win against Frenship ... 545 yards ranked tied for 27th all-time during a single game in Texas state football history ... added 149 yards rushing and three touchdowns against Frenship ... threw seven touchdowns on 14-of-18 passing (263 yards) in a 61-14 triumph against Socorro ... rushed for 227 yards and a pair of scores in a win over Franklin ... passed for 449 yards (32-of-40) and five touchdowns in a victory over Canutillo ... passed for 312 yards and ran for another 154 yards, while accounting for five touchdowns (two pass, three rush) during a 62-35 win over El Dorado ... accounted for all six touchdowns (two rush, four pass) during a 42-28 win against Franklin ... named District 1-6A Offensive MVP, while being named all-district first team offense and racked up nine Player of the Week awards ... played in the 24th Annual Greater El Paso Football Showcase All-Star Football Game in the Sun Bowl.

    TJ Goodwin
    Played three season of varsity football as the starting quarterback for the Eagles … threw for 3,106 yards on 225-of-418 passing and 19 scores … as a senior led the Eagles with 945 yards on 76-of-147 passing with eight touchdowns and one interception … registered a season-high 242 yards on 19-of-38 passing in a win over Cypress Creek … opened the season by connecting on 12-of-16 passes for 158 yards and three touchdowns … threw a season-long 55-yard touchdown pass during a dominant victory over Memorial … added 49 yards rushing with a career-long dash of 45 yards versus the Mustangs … during junior campaign tallied 272 yards on 14-of-18 passing (77.8 percent) with four scores and a game-long 53-yard touchdown pass … was 14-of-22 for 180 yards against Cy-Fair … started as a sophomore and posted a 54.7 completion percentage, notching 1,188 yards and five scores … in 2016, posted a career showing by throwing for 345 yards on 18-of-33 versus Cypress Springs … threw for 234 yards and registered two touchdowns in a win over Jersey Village … three-star recruit on

    Calvin Brownholtz
    2018 (FRESHMAN): Saw action on special teams at WKU and against Southern Miss.

    PRIOR TO UTEP: Played final two seasons on the varsity squad at Jesuit High School ... in 2016, threw for 2,333 yards on 134-of-257 passing ... connected for 26 touchdown passes with 10 interceptions ... averaged 17.4 yards per pass ... finished with a quarterback rating of 100.9 ... rushed for 190 yards on 57 carries and a score ... named MaxPreps 2016 All-NorCal second team (athlete position) ... threw a season-high four touchdown passes during a win against Franklin ... tallied a season-best 289 yards on 14-of-21 passing and tossed three scores in a victory against Grant ... followed the next week with three more scoring passes and 244 yards (8-for-13 passing) ... threw at least four touchdowns in eight of 13 contests played.

    Isaiah Bravo
    PRIOR TO UTEP: Played last two seasons at Cerritos College … in 21 career games, threw 32 touchdowns and only 13 interceptions with 3,333 yards on 218-of-427 passing … during the 2018 campaign, threw for 2,125 yards (133-256) with 20 touchdowns, including a long pass of 94 yards … tossed four scores on 20-of-27 passing for 269 yards during a victory at College of the Desert … in 2017, recorded 12 touchdown passes to only two interceptions … played football, baseball and basketball at West Covina High School.
    Gavin Hardison
    PRIOR TO UTEP: Played in five games under center at New Mexico Military Institute during the 2018 season ... threw for 408 yards on 38-of-67 passing with four touchdowns and four interceptions … rushed for 88 yards and a score … tallied a season-high 187 yards on 17-of-25 passing (68.0 percent) and two scores, whiles also rushing for a touchdown during a victory against Air Force Prep.

    So, yes, there are other quarterbacks than the two, one really, that we have endured.  And if they are so bad that they can't beat out the interception twins, why even have them on the roster.  Are the parents buying spots?  Are the recruiters of UTEP not capable of finding quarterbacks any better that the past year and a half of misery?  Because if they can't do any better than that they shouldn't be paid for what they are doing.  Right?  I mean this isn't Senter, Stull, or Natalicio" fault!

    So, let's review.  We have seven quarterbacks.  Since Dimel has been here he has had the opportunity to recruit two years(unless when he was still coaching for K St. and couldn't leave because recruiting wasn't a priority for UTEP and his new position) to find a quarterback and yet who has he played?  And with what results?  I am telling you right now that I have held leadership positions and anysonofabitch that sends his troops into battle unarmed is the scum of the Earth.  It is Dimel's job to put his players in the position to be successful and he has failed his players.  If I send Mojo out the run the football and he does nothing but get killed and lose yards it ISN"T HIS FAULT!  It is mine.  It is not Locksley's or his receivers or the referee's fault.  It is Dimel.  And he keeps hanging Locksley to swing in the breeze game after game until he puts Jones in the same position, the position of almost guaranteed loss.  After a year and a half has he ever said anything about his decision to play the two quarterbacks especially in the way he has and has he ever questioned it?  If he has, I missed it.  Every single person that went along with the bullshit that the cupboard was left bare by Price, then Kugler has made the decision that the excuse was there for the next guy up.  Price didn't come in and say the cupboard was bare.  Those players were pretty good for him and Kugler rode them for awhile.  Kugler was the O line guru but his line was supposedly not even there-it was some kind of mirage!  Or was it his fucking stupid running the fucking ball every down that was the problem.  I tend to think it was the latter.  Now Dimel gets the no talent pass.  Bullshit!  Bullshit!  It is the coaches job to use the talent he has to the best of the talent's ability and I say that running his offense has been the problem.  His offense has been run Locksley and run some more.  Kugler stupidity Part Dux!  What really pisses me off was the throwing the players and previous coaching under the bus.  Kugler ran off very good quarterbacks because he had no intention of throwing the ball.  But he, like Dimel win the time of possession battle.  Great.  Our strategy is to hold the ball so other teams can't score.  Other teams strategy is score.  Guess who wins.


    I think all of us would be very happy to be there.  No, I take it back.  Price had us there and his head was called for pretty quickly. 


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #10 on: October 14, 2019, 07:58:37 AM »
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  • So if we play Goodwin or Hankins more than 4 games they lose their redshirt.  The question I suppose is whether you burn a redshirt on a season that sucks massively.  In my mind, you would toss them into a game against an opponent like UTSA and see what happens.

    The only reason I can think of not to(other than stupidity) is if you are afraid they will get badly injured because of your nonexistent line.

    Having not played them against UTSA, there probably isn't a point in using them until we get to the Charlotte game.  3 of the last 4 games are against teams that aren't much better than us.  Toss them into the mix in those games and start preparing for next year.

    IMO, we lost two games this year more due to poor coaching than due to our bad players, especially UTSA.  Here's the part that really concerns me.  We are now a season and a half into the Dimel era.  While he doesn't have a team full of "his players" yet, why don't we see any improvement in the players we do have?  The O line is not just bad and slow, they don't know the blocking assignments.

    The D by the way has not been the reason for any of our losses, IMO.  They aren't great, but good enough to win a few games if the O had any signs of life at all.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #11 on: October 14, 2019, 09:16:44 AM »
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  • So if we play Goodwin or Hankins more than 4 games they lose their redshirt.  The question I suppose is whether you burn a redshirt on a season that sucks massively.  In my mind, you would toss them into a game against an opponent like UTSA and see what happens.

    The only reason I can think of not to(other than stupidity) is if you are afraid they will get badly injured because of your nonexistent line.

    Having not played them against UTSA, there probably isn't a point in using them until we get to the Charlotte game.  3 of the last 4 games are against teams that aren't much better than us.  Toss them into the mix in those games and start preparing for next year.

    IMO, we lost two games this year more due to poor coaching than due to our bad players, especially UTSA.  Here's the part that really concerns me.  We are now a season and a half into the Dimel era.  While he doesn't have a team full of "his players" yet, why don't we see any improvement in the players we do have?  The O line is not just bad and slow, they don't know the blocking assignments.

    The D by the way has not been the reason for any of our losses, IMO.  They aren't great, but good enough to win a few games if the O had any signs of life at all.

    I agree, and I think they are having to do it all the while knowing that the offense is block-headed and with every play the offense is one play closer to another interception. 

    The O-line is not a shell of a line.  We are able to run with the other team knowing that is all we do.  They have trouble pass blocking because 1) they weren't recruited for it(body types) and 2) they don't practice for something the coaches aren't interested in doing-passing the ball.  Our last two coaches seem to think that holding onto the ball is more important than winning.  Ball control is not how games are determined.  Most points win and we don't seem to get it.  Still.  This year we are ranked 28th in Time of Possession.  I can't seem to find anything very well on NCAA stats for the previous six years but I will bet $5 that we have been in the top 50 each year while losing just about every single game over that time.  They don't seem to understand that having the ball because the other team has scored another touchdown while you are more concerned about winding the clock is just plain stupid.  Look at the numbers coaches.  You sound as stupid as Hillary telling everyone she is the real president because she got the most votes.  That makes you queen of a few states, but not the president.  We are a top 25 ranked program year in and year out in national polls for most offensive(that is somehow so true) time on the field year in and year out.  But we are in the top ten and maybe the overall champ of losing.

    The other quarterbacks will never see the field as long as Locksley can still run.  He could throw another 25 interceptions and it wouldn't matter.  He is their guy!  As for burning a shirt.  They are only there until Kugler err Dimel can find next year's running back quarterback.  If those guys can pass they will die waiting to throw one or be put into a game when killing the quarterback is where the game has gotten to.  Metz might have been pretty good at almost any other school.  Here he ended up addled.  Nope, I expect more of exactly what the last 15 games has given us.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #12 on: October 14, 2019, 09:43:07 AM »
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  • From an UTEP administration insider's view point:  President Heather Wilson will not fire Jim Senter this year. PHW is changing the culture in the administration side of campus, and is very, and i mean very, data oriented.  Jim Senter has a grace period, but not blank slate. 



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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #13 on: October 14, 2019, 09:54:37 AM »
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  • Senter has the whole athletic department to cover him, somewhat giving him cover for the football team.  But, saying that, I just wonder how long we can has less than 10k people sitting in an empty Sun Bowl and getting worse.  She said football is the front porch of the university and if she means it, and this is where the rubber meets the road or if she is just blowing smoke up everyone's asses, something has to give.  I would love to ask her what she thinks of our front porch and what she is going to do about it.  Her answer would tell me a lot.  No matter what it was.


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    Re: heads must roll
    « Reply #14 on: October 14, 2019, 10:25:37 AM »
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  • So if we play Goodwin or Hankins more than 4 games they lose their redshirt.  The question I suppose is whether you burn a redshirt on a season that sucks massively.  In my mind, you would toss them into a game against an opponent like UTSA and see what happens.

    The only reason I can think of not to(other than stupidity) is if you are afraid they will get badly injured because of your nonexistent line.

    Having not played them against UTSA, there probably isn't a point in using them until we get to the Charlotte game.  3 of the last 4 games are against teams that aren't much better than us.  Toss them into the mix in those games and start preparing for next year.

    There might be no rule that says you have to play them all at once or only at the end of the season or the start of the season. Four games is four games, play them when you need them the most and it'll ensure how much they've matured in their skills. Has anyone ever done this and can it be done to begin with.