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An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
« on: February 02, 2020, 11:06:19 AM »
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  • This is not another one of my complaining posts.  This is a serious post regarding the future.  C-USA began with some strong teams left out of the Big Boys Conferences.  It tried to expand and soon those strong teams decided that it had instead diluted the conference, so they fled and formed the AAC finding a couple of other strong teams that had been dealt out during conference realignments.  What they left behind was a gutted C-USA.  So, C-USA going forward using whatever was left of their C-USA name and importance tried to remain relevant by adding some of the better teams from even weaker conferences than C-USA had been.  With no perceived increase in strength, they went with numbers and started taking startups, adding UTSA ODU and perhaps the Florida schools would be part of this.  Without looking it up I could be wrong about that part, but I think I am right in the spirit of things if not the fact.  After a few years, I think I can say that Marshall is still a strong team relatively speaking as is Southern Miss.  They would still be left behind by the AAC so that is kind of the dividing line.  LA Tech is at the same level.  UAB even after folding up their tent may be in the discussion at that level.   FAU has shown that they aren't going to just hang around.  They are committed to not only join the top of the pack, but they intend to move up and are spending the money to do it.  North Texas and Western Kentucky are showing that they want to be in the top tier, although the money commitment may not be there.  So now we see a second level, maybe.  That is seven teams.  Pick one more, one that shows a desire to be in the mix.  There's Rice,  but they are usually just not very good.  Smart and respected academically, but not good.  FIU maybe?  UTSA has the city and is looking to move up.  Or MT.  Now look at location relative to travel.  The core would be east of the Mississippi.  Marshall, S Miss, FAU, UAB, WKU, LA Tech at the edge but they show they are worth it.  That is six teams.  North Texas  is probably north enough and usually is decent football.  Middle Tenn and FIU are right in the area.  ODU is a startup and they could be dropped without a problem.   Same with Charlotte.  Rice is Houston weak as fuck and south, but Houston. SA is west too far, but San Antonio is big and UTSA acts like they want to do more than just hang around and be a punching bag.  UTEP justs sucks is way out of the way, and shows no interest in being better at all.  It seems to me that UTEP would be the first team ditched, again.  Ditch UTEP and it is kind of easy to ditch UTSA just because it is west.  SO, drop UTEP, UTSA, ODU, and Charlotte and see what a ten team league is left.  Marshall, S Miss, FAU, UAB, LA TECH, N TX, Rice, FIU, WKU and MT.  Have those teams lost anything of value by dropping UTEP, UTSA, ODU, and Charlotte?  Have they gained anything?  Football is king.  Basketball talk is a distant second place.  Would C-USA be a better conference or worse in the eyes of the rest of the country?  Does it matter?  Does it matter to those ten teams and does it matter to the rest of the country?  Just something to talk about.  Is anyone else in the conference wondering the same thing?


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #1 on: February 02, 2020, 12:56:09 PM »
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  • As much as it hurts to read those words you are absolutely right, Ky. Those schools you mentioned as not bringing anything into the equation would make those remaining a very viable conference. Who do we blame for UTEP's almost demise? Well, it ain't us the fans. We've been attending the games even though we're miserable. The ONLY people I would place the blame on is the exes of our past and the ones that have taken their place.

    I'm not ready to give up on the Miners though. I still hold a faint glimmer of hope that we will rise up again as a force to be reckoned with. It's faint but I haven't removed the life lines keeping my hope alive. Sometime there's fibrillations when the Miners do something good but then we start almost flat lining.

    If I wasn't a strong man I would start crying.  :-\


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #2 on: February 02, 2020, 01:28:11 PM »
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  • Doesn't really matter how we got here.  Everyone involved in that is gone now.   What has to happen is the current administration from Wilson to Senter to head coaches need to know that mediocrity will not be acceptable.  Senter needs to go for not making Dimel fire someone substantive.

    Going back to kyyotes comments about shoring up the D with JC transfers, this was not part of the plan and suggets that Dimel has been told he has to win this year.  Again, I assume CRT showing progress will be viewed as positive.  We won't buy out two contracts the same year so we better hope that the future is more rosy than it looks right now in hoops


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #3 on: February 02, 2020, 02:00:41 PM »
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  • The other day, I mentioned that we had been ditched by the Border Conference, The WAC to become the MWC, then C-USA to become the AAC and I could see it happening again.  This post was for me to look at just how close it might actually be.   When I looked at it it became even more easy to see it happening again.  And more importantly, to ask what UTEP did in the past and if they would do anything now.  What we did in the past as far as I can see is absolutely nothing.  I wasn't around when the Border Conference was, so I won't say anything about it.  The MWC was a group of sneaky, underhanded, low rent sonsofbitches and that is what I will always consider them.  But, I will also say that I understand why they did what they did.  And I will say that we did nothing to avoid what they did.  I then watched us ditch the WAC to join the C-USA.  It was a step up.  I loved being able to compete against them and under Price we were able to.  Beating a 12th ranked Houston was what football is supposed to be like for a fan.  I will never forget feeling 50+ thousand Miners fans making the glorious old rock solid Sun Bowl shake when we played under Price!  After 20 some years of being a Miners fan and UTEP alum, I was experiencing college football the way it is supposed to be.  It was great while it lasted.  Soon the teams once again left us swinging in the breeze.  My worst fears, of returning UTEP football to the black hole it had been was realized.  Even the coach was disgusted by what he had done and walked out.  With a much weakened conference, and unable to beat any team other than from a level below us, we are arguably  the worst team in football and attendance is down to the families of the players, cheerleaders, and band members.  Watching the Don Haskins Center with a sprinkling of fans in it see their team drubbed and seemingly dazed and confused was another punch to the nuts, last night.  Looking to see what the school's leaders are doing about it is much worse than nothing and does more than make me sad.  Instead of any signs of fight or desire to right the ship, they raise the prices for the fans to watch the slow death.  Sick and sickening.  I love my school, and as a fan and alum I am supposed to support and back my school no matter what.  I am supposed to exhibit undying loyalty.  My mother taught me that if I didn't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.  So, I am supposed to stand by and watch things rot away and stay silent.  I just can't.  I don't know what to do.  I hate it.  I hate what it does to me.  I am a very positive person.  I used to be ok with UTEP being bad at football.  I didn't know any better.  It was just how it was.  Then we showed that it didn't have to be.  I know better.  So, when watching us and knowing what is coming, while knowing it doesn't have to be that way, I scream and yell and want to kick someone in the nuts.  I no longer want to be brave and keep a stiff upper lip while having a red hot poker shoved up my ass.  I want it to stop.  I want to fight to make it stop.  And to Hell with suffering in silence.  I want to raise Holy Hell and not suffer.  Meanwhile we discuss the starting line up of the basketball team and Terry's decisions.  Or Dimel's recruiting.  Like discussing the shape of the point and temperature of the poker.  Fuck!  I want the damned poker shoved up Wilson's and Senter's and Dimel's and Terry's ass and see if they can't decide to maybe do something!  I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that if they were having the poker shoved up their ass, they might do something different.  Maybe not.  But at least then I would be sure they didn't have anything else they could do.  Right now, I just think they haven't felt the pain and they should.  Sorry.  I know.   I have done it again.  There I go again, being negative.


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #4 on: February 10, 2020, 11:16:05 AM »
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  • fuck 'em and feed 'em fish.


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #5 on: February 10, 2020, 11:26:08 AM »
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  • I'm not sure I agree with the feed 'em fish part.


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #6 on: February 10, 2020, 12:56:33 PM »
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  • Beginning to pick up on a pattern here...not sure what it is...maybe it will become clear soon...


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #7 on: February 11, 2020, 04:39:22 AM »
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  • I think it is a code of some sort.  I?ve got a friend at NSA; I?m sending these messages to her for decryption.



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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #8 on: February 11, 2020, 06:19:49 AM »
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  • NSA already has them


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    Re: An Honest Look At C-USA and Perhaps Another Divide
    « Reply #9 on: February 11, 2020, 02:22:20 PM »
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  • Trust the process.