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Building a Foundation
« on: December 01, 2019, 03:21:04 PM »
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  • “They [success] can’t be measured by wins and losses right now,” said Dimel. “They have to be measured by strides that were taken in allowing me to get my full stamp on this program. It’s to be able to build a program the way a program needs to be built. As far as successful, absolutely in the measurement of the guys playing extremely hard and there’s a lot of good guys that are leaving the program that did things the right way in moving this program in a positive direction. I look at it that way. You have to build. To build, you have to start somewhere.”

    “Building a program takes time. It’s just like building a house,” said Senter. “That’s what we are engaged in for the long term, the big play, which is further out in year three, four, five, six and seven. My point in saying that is, I know we all want to win and we want to win right now, but we are going to do it with class and integrity. We are going to do it the right way. We are going to see the benefits starting to happen.”

    Let us see if we can break this down. We'll start with Dimel's statement.

    “They [success] can’t be measured by wins and losses right now,”-Wins and losses are not a) the important thing and b) that isn't how they are measuring success.  Now, that may sound odd to those of us that think wins and losses is exactly how we measure success in football.  Taking him at his word, that means that they are more concerned about something other than football.  Seriously, of course football success is measured in wins and losses.  So, success in their minds must mean something other than football.  So, what could they be building successfully that we pay for football but are getting instead.  There is student success, after all it is a college football program and oh, I don't know, let's throw in character, honor, integrity or you can tell me.

     “They{success) have to be measured by strides that were taken in allowing me to get my full stamp on this program. It’s to be able to build a program the way a program needs to be built. As far as successful, absolutely in the measurement of the guys playing extremely hard and there’s a lot of good guys that are leaving the program that did things the right way in moving this program in a positive direction.

    The sentence in red seems like utter bullshit to me, but luckily he explains it in the next sentence.  "It's to be able to build a program the way a program needs to be built"  Don't you think someone, oh I don't know, maybe a reporter for the Times, Kappy, someone with an inquiring mind, should ask what those strides are/were and myself, I want to know why the fuck there was no foundation before.  Like wasn't that the reason Kugler was losing-because he was building a foundation.  So, I for sure want to know what he means, very specifically by building a foundation.  He's telling me the building of some foundation is more important than winning the damned game of football.  I want specifics because as it is I am really confused by his happiness with two 1 and 11 seasons.  And I have no idea, so an explanation would really help.  How does a program need to be built?  How come we didn't have one, or one that wasn't right?  What was done before?  Something wrong or just no building?  Who was responsible for that.  Name names and give me specific proof!  What is Dimel doing and how is it different?  The next explanation of what he means is in orange.  So, playing hard is a measurement.  So, under Kugler they weren't playing hard?  Really?  And yet, it was Kugler's recruits that have left the past two years that he commends for there playing hard because they were the ones that were playing-not his players, and then there is the doing the right things in moving the program in the right direction.  I don't know what that is, but when you only win two games in two years, I think you owe everyone an explanation of just what that means and who do we congratulate-by name, and maybe even the names of those who weren't.

    On to Senter.
    “Building a program takes time. It’s just like building a house,” said Senter.  So, damnit someone ask Senter if Stull didn't have a house built under his twenty years.  Make him rat someone out for shit's sake, otherwise it is just words!  Dude was Kugler building a house?  Stull?  They left you with no house, a bad house, tent, what!?  Dr. Natalicio let Bob Stull just sit on his ass?  She didn't know or was ok with him not having a fucking house?  Ask the fucking questions, damn it!  I want to ask Wilson if Dr Natalicio left her with a ramshackle front porch and didn't give a fuck!  Because I have heard the same shit before just sung by others.

     “That’s what we are engaged in for the long term, the big play, which is further out in year three, four, five, six and seven. My point in saying that is, I know we all want to win and we want to win right now, but we are going to do it with class and integrity. We are going to do it the right way."

    So we can look forward to 1-11 seasons for years to come, perhaps but doing it with class and integrity?  Like allowing Locksley to get right back to leading the team?  That kind of class and integrity?  So, you must be telling me that Kugler wasn't, right?  Class and we are spending practice time learning how to use the right forks, being honest and not being cheats or something?  Kugler, Stull, and Natalicio were no class, no integrity, no house people.  Wow, doesn't someone want to ask those folks about what these people are saying about them?  Kugler bitched but when he quit, Stull and Natalicio were fine with allowing Price to coach the team for the rest of the season.  Maybe that is where they get the Natalicio was classless and lacking integrity.  Man, I want to ask these people some questions, but how about one of you hard hitting journalists!

    "We are going to do it the right way. We are going to see the benefits starting to happen.”  So, it had to not have been being done the right way, right?  Stull, Senter basically called you, Kugler, and Natalicio classless and lacking integrity, and said you weren't doing things the right way.  Damn, that's fighting words where I come from.  Are you going to take that shit.  What do you have to say about that shit?  If we can't win football games, I am glad to know that we are not being scumbags anymore.  Wow, after the more than just a few times I met with Natalicio I always thought she was nothing but class and integrity.  I spent quite a bit of time with Stull and although I considered him to be a bit arrogant, I never suspected him of being such a lazy, classless, cheat!  Who knew?


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    Re: Building a Foundation
    « Reply #1 on: December 01, 2019, 04:22:37 PM »
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  • An addendum;

    I have kept in touch with a few of the football players.  This is my conversation with Lorne Sam about this.

    C.c. Evans Lorne Sam I am insanely mad right now about UTEP football. The new HC(after two years is 2-22) and the new AD explain the building of a foundation being the excuse and that they are doing it the right way with class and integrity. So, my question is how is it possible that Dr. Natalicio, Stull, and Kugler were sitting around with their thumbs up their asses and allowed us not to have a foundation-or class and integrity? I have had more that a few chances to sit with Dr. Natalicio, too many times to count with Stull, and Kugler didn't seem like a classless guy to me and surely Stull and Natalicio wouldn't have hired such a scumbag, so I have to ask you. Did you fool me? Did Natalicio fool me? Stull? Was there nothing there when you were there. No foundation, no class, no integrity? Because when they say what they say, there is an unspoken indictment and judgement of guilty hung on the prior players and coaches, and that flat out pisses me off to no end. The fb players I met were damned fine people. I must admit that I was somewhat surprised at how high the quality of the character of the players was. Tell me. Was I just fooled?

    Lorne Sam C.c. Evans no that is the lies told to stop the coup. There are programs that have character issues like Baylor, FSU, OSU, UF, MIAMI, etc where you have severe issues. The sexual assaults, paying players, violence are valid in certain situations. I watched and helped build the foundation at UTEP '05-'07 and it showed as we sent five guys to the NFL combined, most of us still stay in contact, we praise the men who coached us and more. I dont even know the names if the coaches after Price except Kugler. Based on what I know that program was going in the right direction!

    I'm moving back go take over 🤣

    C.c. Evans I can't tell you how much I appreciate you saying that. I also agree that many of you came to UTEP to build that foundation and I knew it then and love you all forever for it. UTEP is my school, and UTEP changed my life dramatically. I love my school deeply. I know that the players that came did so to do just that. They aren't just guys who came to play football. Like you, I got to know them a bit and I know that they may not have been perfect, but they were damned fine men and they were there to help my school. So, it always makes my blood boil when someone comes in and speaks that way. Thank you. Thank you for those years of your life spent helping and thank you now for confirming what I believe.

    I know that some think I was too close to Mike Price to be objective.  I wasn't.  I knew him well enough to call him a friend, but never was around him for any other reason than football.  The man I got to know was a good man.  We all know he wasn't a perfect man.  But, neither am I. I got to know his coaches and sons.  Good men.  Really good men.  Every one of them.  Although Coach Banks was perhaps the cussingest man I have ever seen!  lol  Most of all, I got to know the players, especially because of the daily interviews with them after practices , and I learned that the men that played football for my school were damned fine people.  Quality people.  People with class and integrity.  That is why, I hated Kugler from the moment he threw the previous players and coaches under the bus.  I will never change my opinion of him because of it.  From that, you might be able to figure out what I think of Dimel and Senter.  Meeting them would not go well.  That stupid grin would disappear real quick from Dimel's face, because I would say things and ask things. 
    « Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 04:38:35 PM by kyyote »