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Attendance, Money, and My Plan
« on: December 01, 2019, 12:20:09 PM »
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  • On another note, is it just flat out lying or based off of season tickets or what, but according to UTEP the attendance for the last three home games was;

    LA Tech  16084

    Charlotte  15683

    Rice   11776

    an average of around 14,500.  Now, the Sun Bowl seats around 50 thousand.  That means UTEP is reporting that around 1/3 of the Sun Bowl was full.  If you saw the "crowds" for those games, you know damned well that Spring Games under Price had more fans in the seats than fans watching those games.  Sure, the weather in the Spring is nicer than the cold days and the football was better, too.  But my point is about truth.  If they are getting ticket revenue for 1/3 of the Sun Bowl in ticket sales 10 to 14 thousand people just donated their money or wrote it off as a loss, a waste of money.  Or is UTEP just completely bullshitting someone?  I mean if they are sticking to the 1/3 of the Sun Bowl was sold so who needs a different coach is the story they are selling, they are either lying crooks themselves or they are in on the fake line they are spewing.  But, 2000 people in the stands is not enough to keep vendors or concessions alive, much less a football program that is paying a head coach 3/4 of a million dollars a year.  So, how much red ink is bleeding all over the books to keep the current coach?

    I would suggest we bench all of the coaches.  Make them sit in a special section called the worthless, parasitical Dunces Section-labeled in big butcher paper signs for all to see and ask for local high school coaches to tryout for volunteer spots to coach the Miners.  We might find some pretty good coaches, we MIGHT, just maybe, find a win or two, it wouldn't cost a penny to do, and the humiliation might just might make some of the blood-sucking parasites we are paying to coach the team quit rather than be embarrassed nationally.  I mean show their faces and announce their names five or six times a game, with closeups.  Let them know that if they don't stop their theft we will treat them like neighborhood porch pirates and make them famous so others can spot them coming.  Buy them out my ass!  Run them out!  Tell me how we won't be able to attract good coaches if we do that and I will just laugh in your face.  We couldn't do worse if we had NO coaches.  I know third grade women teachers that could at least get the damned team organized without knowing a damned thing about football!  Tryouts for coaches.  Come show what you've got and you may just find yourself being the new Head Coach, of Offensive Coordinator?  Win a few games and you will have a nice new paying job real soon and nationally you could make a name for yourself.
    « Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 12:34:51 PM by kyyote »


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #1 on: December 02, 2019, 10:11:59 PM »
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  • Sun Bowl only seats about 43k now with the ongoing renovations.


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #2 on: December 03, 2019, 08:06:50 AM »
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  • Well that makes perfect sense with the plan being not to win for the next 5 years but to be classy!  No need for seats when no one shows up.  The classy new seats should make the big donors comfortable and they would want their given away tickets to be nice ones.  The way it is going we could yank another 40 thousand seats out and turn the Sun Bowl into a lovely garden party setting for classy events.  Bring in the 4 Seasons for a lovely concert, maybe even a Marty Robbins tribute band.  Classy.  And we do want the folks who come to watch USC play Wake Forest to be comfortable once a year.  Put down a football turf one day a year and then the rest of the time maybe have a park.  Put a May pole in the center and let children dance around it.  Classy!  Senter, Wilson, and Dimel could lead the children in the dance.  Then they could teach the children of all of us heathens how to have integrity and class.  Bring in the football players in tutus for a production of Swan Lake, perhaps.  Maybe put a children's library with study carrels.  Yank those dumb dumbbells out of the weight room and make it into a child care center since we don't give a fat dying fuck about winning games.  We are building a house.  Have you heard.  The House of Losing with Class and Integrity.  Someone should make a giant banner and put it over the North entrance to the Sun Bowl and another one over the entrance to Senter's office.

    “Building a program takes time. It’s just like building a house,” said Senter. “That’s what we are engaged in for the long term, the big play, which is further out in year three, four, five, six and seven. My point in saying that is, I know we all want to win and we want to win right now, but we are going to do it with class and integrity. We are going to do it the right way. We are going to see the benefits starting to happen.”

    Thank God the classless people are gone.  Did any of you see the giant tent that they put up over the Sun Bowl to de-louse the place now that Natalicio, Stull, and the rest of the scumbags have been gotten rid of?  Next year, UTEP football home games are going to be Black Tie affairs, I hear.  Classy!

    Btw, have you heard about next year's changes to tailgating rules?  Tables must have lace doilies.  No finger foods.  It's not a buffet, use a cocktail stick!  Women will not be allowed to wear open toed shoes.  No cutoff jeans.  Children are to be seated with hands folded neatly in their laps.  Concessions will be croissants and tea served in tea cups with saucers.
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 08:34:46 AM by kyyote »


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #3 on: December 03, 2019, 09:18:54 AM »
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  • Quote
    My point in saying that is, I know we all want to win and we want to win right now, but we are going to do it with class and integrity.

    Yeah, I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Is he saying that everyone that turns it around quickly is basically Baylor?


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #4 on: December 03, 2019, 09:43:10 AM »
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  • Or is he saying we had no class or integrity until now!  I'm sure Dr. Natalicio is shocked to hear that she was and is classless and lacking integrity!  FUCK Senter!


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #5 on: December 03, 2019, 10:21:56 AM »
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  • I think we might be reading too much into this, but with that being said, our football program has had two players arrested(KL and TT) this year and we also brought in two transfers who each had multiple issues at their previous schools(Cooper and Ross).  Cooper was even kicked off his previous team because of his actions.  Does Senter think that these 4 cases align with his idea of winning with class and integrity?


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #6 on: December 03, 2019, 10:53:25 AM »
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  • Instead of us having to read into this shit, I want someone in the media to ask Senter that question and so many others!  Like I said in another post, I got to know the players and coaches and he is inferring that the previous people weren't building a foundation, and if they were it was without class and integrity and I just can't tell you how mad that makes me.  The people I know and met from UTEP football were almost amazing in their character and class.  I had to delete my comment about someone's wife and class out of respect for her son, but just barely.  I am calling out Kappy and Bloomquist and anyone else with contact with the three at the top to ask the damned questions.  Get these people on the record and make them cut the bullshit .  Say what you mean, and let's clear the air on this shit.  It is at the core of their class and integrity!  WE are looking at a 2-22 football team and this is their excuse!  It deserves a week of the Times sports page to get to the clear and unambiguous truth about what it is they are saying!  Again, he is inferring that everyone before his crew was not class and had a lack of integrity.  There are still plenty of people there, that you UTEPDefense and I both know, like Jeff Darby, Mark Brunner, Robert Rodriguez, and others that are no longer there that are being thrown under the bus.  Jeff, did you stand by and make your paycheck while being part of numerous classless and integrity lacking people were running things?  From what I have seen from Senter and Dimel, Eric Price had more class and integrity in his little finger than them.  I haven't heard much from Wilson but these two are hers.  If she allows this, she is part of it.

    I don't know how much of this class and integrity she was tied to but Natalicio's reputation is and was earned as squeaky clean!

    There's A Cheating Scandal Brewing At The Air Force Academy
    May 23, 2019 - Suspicious results on the final exams of some Air Force Academy underclassmen triggered a probe that kicked off Wednesday to determine …

    Air Force Academy sexual harassment: Former and current ...
    Dec 11, 2017 - In a six-month investigation you'll see only on "CBS This Morning," we traveled to the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs to …

    But controversy has also followed Wilson in her career. In 2007, she was connected to the scandal involving the firing of U.S. attorneys when it emerged that she had contacted one of those prosecutors, New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, during a corruption probe of Democratic officials in that state.

    After leaving Congress, Wilson formed a firm called Heather Wilson and Company, which entered into contracts with four Energy Department contractor-operated sites for "advice and consultation": the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Nevada National Security Site.

    But according to a 2013 Energy Department inspector general report, although Wilson's company was paid roughly $450,000, the facilities did not receive evidence that the work agreed upon had been completed. The IG said the government fully reimbursed the contractors for those payments.

    Jim Senter at The Citadel He was there while he also came here.  So, is he squeaky clean or is his integrity in question, too?


    First, Boes has been charged with two crimes – criminal sexual conduct in the third degree and providing alcohol to a minor.  After his arrest, he was booked at the sheriff Al Cannon detention center.  His case will be handled by the office of S.C. ninth circuit solicitor Scarlett Wilson.
    According to a probable cause affidavit accompanying the warrant for Boes’ arrest, between the dates of September 1, 2017 and April 30 of this year he committed “sexual battery by coercion” on a yet-to-be-named male student at the school.
    On school property …
    The warrant alleged that Boes began his relationship with the student last summer, visiting him in his on-campus residence and providing him with “intoxicating beverages.”  During the fall semester last year, Boes and the victim allegedly “became work out partners.”
    On September 29, 2017, following a visit to the gym, “the victim and defendant visited the defendant’s campus office.”  There, “with the door closed and locked, the defendant did forcibly kiss the victim on his lips,” the affidavit alleged.
    It gets worse …
    “On or about November 17, 2017, the victim was invited to the defendant’s on-campus residence for dinner,” the affidavit alleged. “The defendant did provide the victim with alcoholic beverages that the victim consumed.  The defendant also provided the victim with two unknown white pills which the defendant said would prevent a hangover.  The victim became light headed and dizzy.  While the victim was physically helpless, the defendant began to perform unsolicited oral sex on the victim.”
    Like we said … damning.
    “The victim blacked out as the oral sex continued,” the affidavit further alleged. “The victim awoke nude the next morning in the same bed as the defendant, who was also nude.  The victim inquired as to the events of the previous evening and the defendant replied that it was ‘Quid Pro Quo’ for what he had done for the victim.”
    According to the law enforcement narrative, over the following five months Boes “repeatedly provided the victim with intoxicating beverages and also used coercion, in his position of authority over the victim, to commit multiple sexual batteries on the victim without the victim’s consent.”
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 11:19:20 AM by kyyote »


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #7 on: December 03, 2019, 11:13:56 AM »
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  • I think the text you just added in red is a lot more germane than whatever was going on at the academy.  She was secretary of the navy for 2 years and the investigation into the allegations was not completed until a couple months before she left to come to UTEP.  There are processes, and they annoyingly take way too long, but can't really be bypassed.

    But the new items are disturbing.  I think it is safe to say that anyone that has been in federal office, elected or career bureaucrat has a lot of skeletons in their closet that would make us all shudder if they came to light.  Was she appointed by the board of regents?

    I laughed out loud at your comment that the El Paso press should ask hard questions.  How long have you lived there?  The El Paso press is the most incurious press corp imaginable.  At every level they only print what they are handed by public figures.  When O'Rourke first announced I told anyone that would listen that he wouldn't be prepared to handle a national press corp -- even as inclined to idolize him as they were -- because no public figure in El Paso has ever been asked a difficult question in their careers.  Ever.  The El Paso press corp might as well be Pravda or Baghdad Bob.

    Alaska Miner

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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #8 on: December 03, 2019, 01:39:58 PM »
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  • Yeah, I agree with your sentiments and frustration on the football situation, Ky.  However, I also agree with UTEPDefense that you are probably reading more into Dimler's comments than were actually there.  He's just saying dumb things to make up for not winning and justify the mediocrity.  I don't believe he's actually talking about others NOT having class... just my two cents.
    Let's go Brandon!


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #9 on: December 03, 2019, 02:32:33 PM »
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  • I don't disagree with either of you so much as I want him to be called out for it!   If you throw people under the bus, especially calling their character suspect, by God you should be asked to state the facts to back it up, OR your fucking character is really suspect!  Especially when you are in those positions.  That is why I am saying they should be asked-point fucking blank!  If you call someone out for being a fucking classless cheat(people died for that) you better be able to back it up or I consider you to be classless and question your integrity.  But, let's say you are right.  My question to Senter would be, Would you consider an AD who inferred that previous administrations lacked integrity and class to justify a 2-22 record a low rent classless sonofabitch or would you consider that just what an AD sometimes does?  That, my friend, is called a double bind.  Either way he answers it he is fucked!  And I want him called out.  He can pick which way he wants to go.  But, I want his ass called out on it.  And if I couldn't have Natalicio and Stull sitting there with us, I would want to make it clear that those are the people I would be asking about right after I finished with him.  As it stands, in my  mind, he is either a classless sonofabitch or a fucking weasel and quite probably both.  You dig?  Now, if he starts giving me proof to show that the previous people were wrong and he is justified in say that, I might change my mind.  Lacking his shocking me to the bone, I am left with my opinion of him.  But, I sure would like someone to give him a chance to prove who he is.  I consider him to be both!  A classless weasel lacking honor and integrity.


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #10 on: December 03, 2019, 05:25:41 PM »
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  • Now, if he starts giving me proof to show that the previous people were wrong and he is justified in say that, I might change my mind.

    You might change your mind?  If I’m Senter and I read that, I’d think - why bother presenting proof? 

    Other than that comment, I feel your pain, Ky.



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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #11 on: December 03, 2019, 05:31:53 PM »
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  • I am a reasonable guy.  That's all I'm saying by that.

    I stand by it.  If it is true and credible, if there is proof and it is convincing is one thing.  If it is some vague ass iffy shit that isn't going to cut it.  That is what I mean.  He talks like it shouldn't be iffy shit, though.  If it is iffy shit you don't leave people with that impression.  If it is iffy shit you say things very differently.

    btw, Alaska, my friend mediocre is one thing, two and 22 doesn't get anywhere close to mediocre.  lol  If you asked you kid how they didon their final exam and they said mediocre and you found out they got 2 out of 24 would you agree?  lol  Ten, maybe even 8 out of 24 is my idea of mediocre.  Two!?  lol
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 05:42:18 PM by kyyote »


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #12 on: December 03, 2019, 06:33:12 PM »
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  • Mediocre was the last several years of the Price era.  4-5 wins and one bad year at the end with 3.
    Ah, how I long for the good old days of mediocrity.


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #13 on: December 03, 2019, 06:44:20 PM »
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  • Exactly like that!  I would love to see mediocrity over what we have seen.  I hate to say this but I might be damned close to giddy if we were mediocre in fb.  After 40 years of total (there really is no word for what we are is there?) mediocre would be a 300-500 percent improvement, wouldn't it?
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 06:47:43 PM by kyyote »


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    Re: Attendance, Money, and My Plan
    « Reply #14 on: December 03, 2019, 08:30:00 PM »
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  • I am a reasonable guy.  That's all I'm saying by that.

    I stand by it.  If it is true and credible, if there is proof and it is convincing is one thing.  If it is some vague ass iffy shit that isn't going to cut it.  That is what I mean.  He talks like it shouldn't be iffy shit, though.  If it is iffy shit you don't leave people with that impression.  If it is iffy shit you say things very differently.

    As someone who has had waaaaaay too many conversations with higher ed admins, the phrase “some vague ass iffy shit” pretty much sums up how they talk.  That’s certainly one thing I’m not going to miss once I finish my last semester next spring.
