Well, if I can be of any help, let me know. I have some experience in setting up and running a message board. I'm no expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know enough to help you get one up and running. In fact, although I have never used the feature, certain words or phrases can not only be censored, they can be substituted with words and phrases of your choice, and this might prove invaluable with your endeavor. I would look forward to a person of your standing in the community, integrity, and overall high standards providing a vehicle to present all pertinent facts regarding UTEP sports, as I sometimes find the local media to be lacking in curiosity regarding some aspects of said UTEP sports. I must say, Lieb's Lair has a certain je ne sais quoi! Be warned however that the apostrophe presents a host of problems as it is not allowed in the address window linking your sight to the internet.