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Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
« Reply #135 on: May 04, 2022, 06:26:21 PM »
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  • So far, this is what I have Starting Forwards Onyema/Kalu/Hamilton

    and at Point Shamar Givance/ Malik Zachary/ Jamal Sumlin

    and SG's Tae Hardy/ McKinney

    I believe Hardy is the starter based on his play at Southern Miss, and Point is Givance.  I think Zachary and McKinney are players with a lot of potential who are getting a chance to be good citizens in a place where being a good citizen can be fairly easy to do and playing basketball.

    Jamal Sumlin may push the two ahead of him.
    Hamilton may be a real wild card, though.  He may be able to come in and provide an anchor down low.  I do believe he plays with a power and attitude more like a traditional post player.  This may really open things up for Sibley to just get crazy good.  Also, Hamilton may put a stop to the back door cuts problem we had last year'

    Defensively, I trust Golding to be able to teach them how to move their feet and keep the hands up.  Oh, and that if they don't play defense they don't play.

    So, we have four spots left. I hope the best is yet to come. As it is, and if the team above is the best we have we are a much weaker team I am afraid. I mean trading out the top four players for the best four we picked up I think we lost ground. The last four spots filled will go a long way in telling us which way Golding may be able to take us in the conference we?re in.
    « Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 08:24:52 PM by kyyote »


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #136 on: May 04, 2022, 10:02:42 PM »
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  • I agree, KY.
    1st off, I saw some vids on Givance & he is no doubt our starting PG. Kid is quick, fantastic handles, knows how to find the open man, & can score a little bit. Reminds me of Streeter.
    We also need more pieces to make this team work. Dos Anjos, Hamilton, & Sumlin are really unproven players. We need some proven length.
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #137 on: May 05, 2022, 09:19:09 AM »
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  • Do we actually have any shooting guards?  Didn?t we sign all PG?  Can any of these guys hit the 3 at 38% or better?


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #138 on: May 05, 2022, 05:30:00 PM »
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  • I think McKinney & Zachery can shoot, drive, & play the 1. Combo guards. We need long athletic shooters. Long to help rebound & athletic to drive in the paint. The 3 ball is not really a must. Boumn, Derozen & CP3 proved that I'd range jumpers are more efficient. We just need to defend the 3.
    Every team out there is fixated on that long ball. It's good off the pass or when you are left wide open. After that, it is less than 30%. I say push to the paint & settle for the mid range, pound the paint, or force them to foul.
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #139 on: May 06, 2022, 12:29:16 PM »
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  • Saterfield to Portland State.  This is a tell, I think.  This tells me that Saterfield didn't think he could beat out the sg's we have or are going to have.  He was willing to transfer to Portland State.  So, either he didn't want to be here or figured he was better off there.  And he knows already what it was like here.  Left the known for the unknown.  He played here and you would think he could have tried to win a spot again with a leg up on the competition.  I think he knew he was better off leaving, and I am going to take it that he figured we had our starting sg.

    I think we may go back to pounding the ball inside.  I consider two-point shots to be what pays the bills and three-point shots to be expendable income or desperation purchases of lottery tickets.  I think our guys are going to be carrying lunch buckets.  I think Golding wants to beat you by out working you-not winning the lottery.  Who stayed?  Duh!  Kalu, Sibley, Onyema.  The first two arrivals, Dos Anjos and Hamilton.  Then, he went and got his guards.  We have our team.  I think we either get some real good gets or some solid additions.  It has come down to time to shit or get off of the pot.  Musical chairs music is going to stop soon so players and coaches are going to start making moves.  I asked if the team will be better or worse than last season's team earlier.   The remaining spots may be determinative in that regard.


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #140 on: May 06, 2022, 12:45:26 PM »
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  • Man, I wish my glasses were as orange as y'alls.

    I think Saterfield left because he can't play D worth @#$#.  No doubt Golding told him if he couldn't D up, he wouldn't play.  Saterfield also can't hit the ocean from a rowboat unless he's set and open.

    You have to be a legit threat from 3 or the D will back off and not concede the dribble drive.  I don't think any of these guys are D1 SG size (6-4 min) which further means the D can sag back and still recover if they shoot it up.

    Teams are fixated on the 3 ball because every single Cinderella in the last decade has gotten there by tearing it up from the 3.  Power D1 teams have guards with the length and speed to shut down everything inside unless you can spread them out by making them respect the 3.

    IMO we need at least SG 6'4 or bigger, and at least one more guy that can play SF.


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #141 on: May 06, 2022, 01:24:23 PM »
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  • Well, maybe this will make you feel better.  We lost TV and got dos Anjos/Hamilton and that is a loss unless they play as well and that we damned sure don't know that they will.  We lost Boum, the conference scoring leader and we got Tae Hardy and McKinney wounded unknowns and that means we lost ground there.  JB is gone and Givance is here.  Loss.  Sibley remains so that is even and maybe a plus because of experience.  So far, we are not as good as we were when we started last season.  Surprise me, Coach!  Three times!  Of course, if Golding wins with the new guys, maybe we will believe that they were better.  Yet to be determined. 

    Last thing.  Ezeagu left UTEP to go to Kansas State.  Played a little.  Entered TP and is going to Sam.


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #142 on: May 08, 2022, 09:22:35 AM »
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  • Looks like we have another announcement from the Twitter verse. 6'6" Otis Frazier transferred to UTEP with 3 years of eligibility. The kid is from AZ, but transfers to us from George Mason. He only saw 8 mpg as a Freshy & averaged a little over 2 ppg.
    He was a 2☆ out of high school, but his YouTube videos look fantastic. Kid is built like Onyema & is a high flying act when it comes to dunking. Kid is a shot blocker as well. He is very athletic & has great hops.
    The kid also has a decent jumper from beyond the arc. I think he will be fighting for playing time with Sibley. What I like about him is he can overpower long players in the paint, but has the athleticism to defend the perimeter.

    The downside is he is unproven on a D1 court & looks like he needs some polishing. With very little minutes played at GM, it also tells me his Bball IQ is not quite where it needs to be.
    All in all, he should fit in nicely where Hollins left off. We need more long player like him.
    With 3 schollies left, I'd like to see 2 more long bodies & a proven big man.

    Later today, I'll break down who we have & possible impacts from what I have seen on video & stats.
    Keep them coming, Golding. I actually like what I see so far. No spectacular recruiting like Terry, but pieces that fit Golding's mold. I'll explain what that means later.
    « Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 09:28:17 AM by Chanson »
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #143 on: May 08, 2022, 10:54:16 AM »
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  • This kid is going to be Golding for us. He has been dedicated to basketball enough to have gone to a prep school. George Mason is Div 1 and in an tough conference. He father was an athlete. He?s going to play basketball here.
    ? Frazier has good size at 6?6″ 198 lbs and is known for his intensity on defense and ability to finish high above the rim. He definitely looks like he will bring a lot of energy to both ends of the court and often looks to attack the rim with ease while still possessing a solid three-point shot. ?
    Look at what GM said when they got him. Does that sound just perfect for what we need or what!


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #144 on: May 09, 2022, 02:32:44 PM »
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  • OK. After our mass exodus, Golding has managed to build up an OK roster. More importantly, a roster in his image.
    Here we go:
    2☆ 5'10" PG Shamar Givance
    2☆ 6'3" SG Tae Hardy
    3☆ 6'2" Combo G Malik Zachery
    2☆ 6'7" PF Jonathan Dos Anjos
    2☆ 6'10" C Derick Hamilton
    4☆ 6'8" PF Jamari Sibley
    3☆ 6'1" Combo G Mario McKinney
    2☆ 6'6" SF Otis Frazier
    2☆ 6'8" PF Ze'Rik Onyema
    2☆ 6'9" C Kevin Kalu
    2☆ 6'2" PG Jamal Sumlin

    So, what does this all mean? Herr is my opinion on starters.
    1 Givance
    2 Open to who ever defends & the hot hand
    3 Also open to best defense & hot hand
    4 Sibley
    5 Not sure. Hamilton comes with experience, but Onyema knows program

    I will say that we lost some rock stars on JB, KK, & Boum. We can't replace that level of talent, but maybe this team works better together. The other thing that is a huge pick up that we didnt have last year is a bench. Hollins took a while, but did OK while Saterfield & Saucy were a very high risk. After that yhe talent fell off a cliff. We have a legit bench that can move on and make a difference when we get in foul trouble or towards the end of games for fresh legs. Sumlin is the only kid we question on next level play.
    Givance- should be impressive & will hit ground running where JB left off only a bit shorter.
    Hardy- Familiar with CUSA play & has skills. May be starter at the 2.
    Zachery- will battle for 2 position & can score
    Dos Anjos- most Brazilians are work horses & that what we need for rebounding & driving.
    Hamilton- while mobility might be in question, he has size & strength to protect the paint.
    McKinney should also compete as a Combo guard.
    Frazier- Is a beast for 6'6" & will be a force when he drives or takes the jumper.
    Sibley- Did well last year & hasnt come close to his ceiling
    Onyema- hard work & talent is there. Waiting on his. All IQ to catch up.
    Kalu- big & strong, but needs confidence.
    Sumlin- will be learning his 1st year. Should be way better than Gifa.
    I. Curious to see what others think about these kids.
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #145 on: May 09, 2022, 03:39:45 PM »
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  • Nice job, Chanson.  I have questions about who has to sit out.  Verbal Commits shows players as either immediately eligible or not.  I have Onyema, Kalu, Sibley, as duh eligible.  Givance is shown as Yes, as is Hardy.  McKinney and Frazier and not marked as Yes.  I figure los Anjos and Sumlin will be eligible. Zachary and Hamilton I don't know but think Yes.  What about Frazier and McKinney and maybe Zachary?

    I think Onyema, Kalu, and Sibley stayed because they will be starting.  I think we will See los Anjos backing up Sibley.  Kalu has Hamilton  behind him.  Givance with Sumlin and McKinney backing him up running things with Tae Hardy.  With plenty of switching around.  But I am still holding out hope that as players become desperate that Golding may find some jewels still.


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #146 on: May 09, 2022, 05:26:48 PM »
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  • I actually don't know who sits out. With all this portal/Covid exceptions/JUCO, etc., I can't keep track.
    JUCOs should be a no brainer. The only one I would question is McKinney.
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #147 on: May 10, 2022, 06:21:47 AM »
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  • Teich is already licking his lips for the first time Frazier takes a charge and he can yell ?Down goes Frazier!?


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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #148 on: May 10, 2022, 09:30:38 AM »
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  • So, I am reading other sites & most are not happy with the recruiting. I think we have kids to keep other offenses under control. The offe se is what I worry about.
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    Re: UTEP Mens Basketball Recruiting
    « Reply #149 on: May 10, 2022, 11:57:10 AM »
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  • As for the recruiting, I think most of us don't have any real idea of what we want or if that can even happen anymore.  The last four or five years have thrown everything so much into chaos on so many different levels that about the only thing we understand is Winning and Losing.  I readily admit that I am speaking for myself, too.  Do we want a four star who struck out and fell to us or do we want a leaping unknown who was tearing shit up at a lower level.  Well, anyone with any sense would say it depends on the players.  And this is where damned near every one of us doesn't know the players, what to look for and how they might fit.  That's where the coaches come in.  So far, the only thing that I can see that stands out to me a little is that Golding seems to be willing to give players a second chance after some problems that might be mistakes of youth or indicators of future problems and only time will tell.  I will say that last year was Golding coaching a Terry team.  So, without Williams is was a severely weakened Terry team and Golding made the adjustments he could.  But the team was designed and had developed the feed Williams game and now he was gone.  The team had to almost entirely turn into a guard heavy perimeter shooting team.  Luckily, Boum was pretty good at it, JB found the shot that had abandoned him and lost him his shot at OU, and Kennedy came on like Elliott Ness on the Chicago mob!  We learned that Golding could win with Terry's players, even with one hand tied behind his back.  He is a little nugget for you to think about, what would last season have been like if BW had returned to UTEP and Golding had had the full house to play.  Anyway, we know Golding can coach.  Can he recruit?  I don't even think that is the right question anymore.  It is now days can a coach assemble the right players.  I watched Baylor and Tech play all new starters from the previous year.  They didn't send all of their players to the pros and cry about empty cupboards.  They had new players winning and going up the national rankings through the season.  I watched the Tech coach this year while watching Verbal Commits.  He did it again.  H has just taken the most obscure seemingly players and picked them up for the team he is assembling.  It is a brave new world.  Some teams at the top had always been so stacked that they just absorbed the players that turned pro.  They were stacked because the players were stuck.  Funny thing is some of those found out with new mobility that the elevators also went down.  But the sudden ability to move upset the entire system.  Big name teams couldn't figure out how to keep all of the talent they had assembled.  More importantly for us, some found out the new way to assemble.  I year teams.  These coaches are like the guys that built 55 Chevys with 327's to take to the drags in the 60's to beat the Corvettes, the factory speedsters the rich kids had. 
    So, I asked for Golding to surprise me but I wouldn't know if it was a great get or not unless it was spectacular enough to make me leery.   And so we wait.  We wait to see what the chef cooks up for us.  I think we need to develop a taste for stew. 

    Don't forget.  If the Chef is good enough to fix us up another fine meal, maybe even better than last year's hopefully, he may be lured away by big bucks.  This would be the year to prepare for it financially.  Decide whether or not UTEP will be a feeder or a destination.
    « Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 03:44:10 PM by kyyote »