Well, I have to admit that I never really knew what the process was that we were supposed to trust but I wonder if it involved firing the OC and the DC and starting over. Was the process some kind of Vulcan Mind Melt where you pull your enemies into false senses that can turn into fits of uncontrollable laughter and going nearly winless year after year before shocking those enemies into stunned inability to move with a switch of offensive and defensive philosophies. Or was it simply an admission (silent) that the first process was a serious flop? Or is the process right on track because the process has nothing to do with football. Btw, I think we stole a quarterback from Texas Southern and Prairie View A&M and we have another who is a combo quarterback/defensive lineman. So, UTEP football should look to go bowling coming off of a year that showed a 300% improvement over the previous year and showed the world that the team is now prepared to cut a swath through cusa the likes of which hasn?t been seen since Sherman?s March to the Sea. I believe that Dimel has his chess pieces just where he wants them on his cusa chessboard and is now ready to put the final steps of his master plan in motion. Maybe.