Author Topic: Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?  (Read 1166 times)

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Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?
« on: September 11, 2017, 06:55:51 AM »
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  • Which is worst, this Rice game or the Cal Poly game?
    IIRC Cal Poly was D2 at that time.
    But damn, 26 yards rushing?

    I say again that CSK should be relieved of HC duties immediately.  It at least sends the message that someone at some level cares.


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    Re: Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?
    « Reply #1 on: September 11, 2017, 08:25:58 AM »
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  • I want to hear the sports reporters step up and show some balls and ask the damned questions that need to be asked.  Like, "Well, if you take full responsibility for the disaster that you have turned UTEP into, shouldn't you resign with no questions asked?" Or, when you say that you lost because of "dropped passes", aren't you responsible for the players you recruited to catch the football, or maybe you're responsible for not practicing pass plays enough?  When he says he doesn't question the play calling, will they just nod and "Oh, ok."  How about Bret asking if he isn't right in his analysis of Kugler's whole thing about just being tough guys and not trying to keep a defense off balance.  Ask how that stupid assed philosophy is working here at UTEP.

    What I am really hoping is that in an act of trying to get his own self respect back, and maybe save a little respect from fellow Miners that he will do the right thing and just apologize and resign.  But, after so many Monday press conferences, we have already seen this movie before.  Like Ground Hog Day.  Dropped passes, missed tackles, full responsibility, back to work, oh and the "we will compete".  That last one is just a flat out lie.  The players might try really hard, but the team is by any standard of measurement  is not competitive.  In the last two games, Kugler's charges have been less competitive than the scout teams of Rice and Oklahoma. 

    I know your hard head won't allow you to be a 'quiter', Sean, but it isn't really quitting when you stop doing something wrong.  People that stop smoking aren't considered "quiters".  They are seen as having he courage to do what is right, even though it may be tough, personally.

    Be the Miner we all hoped you would be.  Do what is best for the Miners and not for the Sean. I believe your heart is in the right place, buried under that thick muscled head of yours.  We thank you for giving it your best shot.  NEXT!


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    Re: Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?
    « Reply #2 on: September 11, 2017, 10:36:22 AM »
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  • I said BEFORE the 2016 season that CKS had to go.  And here we are.  We know it, El Paso knows it but UTEP brass stuck their head in the ground.  Instead, Stull ups the suckage level and EXTENDS him thru 2020!  FML. We got "Stulled" as Gibby still says. I don't see a silver lining in the future.  We are back to canned food drives to get folks back in the stadium. 

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    Re: Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?
    « Reply #3 on: September 11, 2017, 01:56:09 PM »
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  • They need to pass signs with that picture at the games. Perhaps Kugs will see it and resign.

    Yeah right. Even I don't believe that.


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    Re: Worst UTEP football moment -- Rice or Cal Poly?
    « Reply #4 on: September 12, 2017, 10:42:56 AM »
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  • i was at the cal poly game, but not the rice game, therefore...

    fuck 'em and feed 'em fish