Author Topic: Is It Even Locksley's Fault  (Read 278 times)

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Is It Even Locksley's Fault
« on: October 20, 2019, 09:05:16 AM »
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  • In 2017 Locksley passed 265 times and rushed 112 times.  2+ times as many passes as runs.  You know, like a quarterback normally passing and not being another running back.

    This season Locksley has passed 48 times and rushed 56 times.  Jones has passed 87 times and rushed 38 times.  Jones is at 2+ times passing to rushes.

    Last year Locksley passed 169 times and  ran 111 and Jones passed 85 times and ran 43.  Btw, Metz passed 69 times and ran 30 times.

    So, Metz passed and ran when he had to.  Jones passed and ran when he had to.  Locksley runs and passes when he has to. 

    Just for comparison purposes;

    2017 Greenlee and Metz passed a combined 281 times and ran 69 times.  How about some of our foes, this year.

    NT qb Fine  passed 256 and ran 31 times.
    FIU     Morgan        150              17
    Nevada Strong        134              19
    S Miss Abraham      220              37

    Seeing a pattern?  Other teams play a quarterback who throws passes and we play a quarterback who runs.  You think defenses and not knowing what is coming is helpful?  Duh!  Nobody has to steal our signals or plays.  They know the plays without needed help.  Locksley run or hand to another back to run.  Stop the run.  Leave a couple back in case Locksley is forced to pass.

    Either Locksley is being put in that position or he is making the choice to, but the upside down nature of the offense under him is not the way other, normal teams play the game.  Not even like Locksley has played it until UTEP-where he is like 1-14 or so.  Some how, for some reason, the star JC quarterback has been transformed into a running back.  A losing running back.  And when we have trouble moving the ball, we go to the Wildcat formation and don't even threaten a possibility of passing.  That isn't the fault of undisciplined players.  The undisciplined play is a result of frustration I believe at an offense that is a proven loser, making the humiliation and frustration come to the surface.


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    Re: Is It Even Locksley's Fault
    « Reply #1 on: October 20, 2019, 11:06:30 AM »
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  • Maybe its not mostly Locksley's fault.  Remember the big thing with Metz is that he decided he wasn't going to run the crap plays the coaches were calling and called his own plays from the line.  Suddenly we were less predictable.

    I don't think  Locksley is really a very good QB however.  Even when he has time and an open receiver he often doesn't get the ball there.  Who was the last completely respectable QB we had?  Palmer?  Vittatoe was at the mercy of the god-awful play calling of Aaron Price who called for a 15+ yard pass every damn down.  It was the same 3 and out, it just ran less time off the clock.

    I don't really care what the reason is for the undisciplined play.  It's up to the coaching staff to stop it.  It's up to them to get plays in on time.  It's up to them not to be so predictable.  It's up to them to have a game plan.  I honestly don't think they have an offensive game plan in any game.  I see no evidence that they look at the opponents game film and say "hey, here's a weakness we might be able to exploit."  No, defenses know exactly what to expect from us.  It's just Kugler 2.0

    Senter needs to fire Canales now, tell Dimel to run the offense until the end of the year, and tell him to hire an innovative FCS coach for OC. 

    I continue to say the D is good enough for us to win games.  Not great by any means, but if our offense could score a respectable 28 points and give the defense a chance, we would give up fewer points and win a couple games.


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    Re: Is It Even Locksley's Fault
    « Reply #2 on: October 20, 2019, 11:23:55 AM »
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  • On the penalties.  When you are being humiliated and disrespected you have to defend your honor.  Unless you like being ass raped.  Watching the FIU players dancing around and acting up the way they were, I am more than ever feeling that the penalties stem from a lack of respect from the coaches for the players.  Someone continuously telling you that you suck, your mother sucks and she must have taught your coach to suck for you to be that stupid eventually leaves you with no choice but to shut his ass up.  A penalty.  So what.  Your coach is allowing you to get your ass kicked because they won't do something about it AND you are going to lose anyway!  A penalty for defense of your honor?  I would be punching mouthy fuckers, myself!  I would damned sure understand a teammate punching a smartass fuck, too.  When there is no chance the coach will allow a win?  Honor something!  He won't allow it to be football!