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Re: Natalicio retiring
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2018, 07:42:40 AM »
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  • My opinion was based on when I was a student around 1991 or so.   I had cause to try to get her attention to an issue that I thought could reflect very positively on UTEP, as an opportunity had been presented for a group to directly represent UTEP academically on a national stage.  I never could get even an acknowledgement of our existence from her office.  Every level of administrator on the way up the ladder was absolutely terrified at the thought of bringing it to her notice.  You could see it in their responses and body language.  Academic vice president about crapped himself at the mention of her name.

    Completely unrelated to this, literally every student I knew referred to her as Princess Di during that time frame.  It was not because of her popularity like the actual princess, but a reference to her regal attitude towards the students.  Students felt she wanted good things for UTEP and would probably achieve them, but absolutely didnt' give a damn about the actual students, or the history, or traditions.  Her office tried to shut down engineering traditions around TCM (St. Pat's day)completely.  The engineering faculty told us directly that they had been informed they could not allow the traditional St. Patrick's day class ditching, etc.  But the professors also told us that they did not agree, and would not hold us accountable for that day and a few brave ones even showed up for the festivities.

    Other students at other times may have had different experiences and opinions, but I think mine is pretty representative of the student body at least at that time. 

    All that said, I think she accomplished a lot for the university, and deserves a ton of credit for its progress.  I don't have to like my CEO to work for the company or appreciate its success.


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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #16 on: June 12, 2018, 09:20:08 AM »
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  • Z is 100% correct about 2-4. 1 is up for argument. I can name 2 positions that will desolve once Natalicio is gone. I won't name them publicly because the people holding those positions have been with UTEP for a long time & have had historical value. I personally have nothing bad to say about any staff or faculty I've come across, but it's time to grow & free up some of that $. It's also time to fix the accounting dept.

    Fair enough.  Fuck the Aggies.


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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #17 on: June 12, 2018, 09:31:43 AM »
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  • I had a number of opportunities to visit with her on a number of times over the years, first as a student serving as president of Kappa Delta Pi, and later as a member of the El Paso Collaborative For Academic Excellence, serving as a mentor in SISD's Urban Systemic Initiative.  As a student, sitting next to her at a luncheon, I found her to be about as down to Earth as could be.  She was the same way through the years whether at conferences, or entertaining groups at Hoover House.  I have walked up to her at other times to say hello and always she has been just as warm and friendly as could be.  Having said that, I have worked for administrators that I loved and many of the faculty disliked.  I have also been the foreman of a production plant and it can be lonely at the top and familiarity can breed contempt.  Perspective plays a huge role in how we see bosses.


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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #18 on: June 12, 2018, 11:08:43 AM »
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  • You're right Ky. Like a friend once said, "it's different being the ringleader than to be one of it's clowns". I did it for 15 years in a high stress job and as much as your friendly personality lends itself to being their friends it's another thing when they want to run over you. The guys I managed knew that once the real business started there wasn't much room for insubordination.


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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #19 on: June 12, 2018, 05:02:52 PM »
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  • Dr Natalicio was the perfect person for the job, she was what UTEP needed.  She was all about academics, UTEP sports were a unnecessary evil in her view.  As a graduate and former employee at UTEP I never had the chance to have a conversation with her.  Until I met her at the dedication of the Museum of Border History at the Smithsonian in Washington DC.  I and other UTEP Alumni in the DC area were invited to the dedication, my wife and I both Federal employees working in DC attended the dedication.  We arrived early, Dr Natalicio stopped my wife and I in the hallway and asked in we were there for the dedication, I said we were.  After introducing ourselves my wife also a UTEP grad, I asked Dr Natalicio if she was happy to have the UTEP football team under Mike Price doing so well.  Her answer was “it’s unfortunate people associate their universities with their sports teams.”  I was a bit surprised by her answer, however I accepted it and moved to another subject.  I will forever be a Miner fan win or lose.  Best wishes to Dr Natalicio, she did a great job for the university.


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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #20 on: June 12, 2018, 07:28:28 PM »
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  • Holy crap. This entry ended up being my favorite, so far. All throwing in their two cents & not going negative.
    Natalicio was perfect for the position and will always be known as the best President in the Texas system. I've known her since I was a little boy and she has always been kind to me and my family.
    I had dinner with her in Austin a few years ago and she pulled a little Miner Silver Pic Axe out of her little purse and gave it to me to wear.
    I only hope we can find her clone and get a 15yr repeat. Only with a strong shot of sports mixed in.
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    Re: Natalicio retiring
    « Reply #21 on: June 13, 2018, 06:46:18 AM »
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  • In 1970-73ish, she shared a office suite with another professor, whose name I cannot recall.  My friend's future wife was that person's secretary.  I often accompanied my friend to visit his fiance and frequently exchanged pleasantries with Dr. Nat.  I always found her pleasant and cordial.   8)