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Kicking Away the Crickets
« on: September 02, 2022, 01:50:18 PM »
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  • It was asked if the UNT game was a must win game.  I thought it wasn't, but judging from the silence that has followed I was wrong.  Stunned silence or just fuck it give up?  Nothing to say.  OK.

    The UNT game was just one game, but it did seem to tell us some things. 

    1.  Hardison picked up where he left off in putting up passing yards.
    2.  He seems to have avoided the chances for interceptions a bit better.
    3. We still can't run.
    4.  The loss of Cowing didn't leave us completely unarmed.
    5.  We have receivers capable of getting open.
    6.  The defense wasn't bad.
    7.  Penalties were much less of a factor

    For the season, there are enough teams for us to beat to have another good year.  That is what I feel based on what I saw.  We will go get paid to see if we can be more than a scrimmage against OU.  It seems like a 58 to 10 score would probably be about right, just based of life and the last forty years.

    So, is there anything to look for other than survival in Norman?  Offensively, since we have had trouble running the ball, I don't expect to see us all of a sudden running on OU.  So, the one dimensional passing game in not going to be some kind of air raid offensive blitz.  Defensively, can we get some pressure on the quarterback?  Can we slow down their running game to more than a speed bump?


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #1 on: September 02, 2022, 02:23:03 PM »
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  • Disagree on 4,5, and 6

    We have no standout receivers.
    Our receivers got open once or twice in the first half and not at all in the second
    The defense was bad.  We couldn't stop the run or the pass.

    That said, we play a fairly weak schedule. 
    Maybe we get things worked out against the NM schools.  We could open 2-3 and then need to pick up 4 wins out of the last 7 games. I now think UNM is an L however and we open 1-4 and start looking ahead to basketball.

    Dimel has been here what, 5 years now?  He's upgraded talent from Kug, but damn.  He can't find a QB that fits his system in 5 years?  We still can't figure out how to run block?


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #2 on: September 02, 2022, 03:13:50 PM »
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  • Sisy, I don't think the problem lies with Hardison, it's the coaches fault. It's like blaming the Biden press secretary for trying to be positive about negative results. What ensues? Lies, is all. This is the same thing. Dismal can lie all he wants but one thing is for sure, he sucks.


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #3 on: September 02, 2022, 05:48:08 PM »
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  • Not blaming Hardison.  He is doing as well as he can with what he has.  What I am saying is he?s a pro style QB and Dimel only knows RPO.  He?s had five years to find an RPO QB and doesn?t have one


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #4 on: September 02, 2022, 05:59:38 PM »
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  • 4,5,&6

    I was careful in my choice of words. I think most of us thought that we would be in big trouble and nearly unarmed without Cowing and we showed that not to be true. Say what you will but Hardison was still able to pass for 293 yards to someone. Were they covered once we became one dimensional?  Yep. But they showed that they could, against the right teams, be effective and had some actual receiving ability. I Never said they were great or good. Just that they showed capabilities.

    Same with number six. It wasn?t bad. You and I and everyone knows what UTEP bad is and this wasn?t it. This was not only not bad it may have been close to normal. Meaning neither bad nor good. I think is is too early to say for that. Keep in mind our averages. We scored 25 ppg and gave just a hair more than that to our opponents. So, our offense was held well under by unt defense and our gave up quit abut more than our average. I think that unt played to their ability on both sides and imposed their will on us. I think we impose ours on the teams from the Land of Enchantment.


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #5 on: September 02, 2022, 08:58:02 PM »
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  • I will not be able to watch or listen so I?ll be counting on y?all for a good summary


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #6 on: September 03, 2022, 07:40:26 AM »
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  • Beat NMSUx in a couple weeks and I will forget the cUNT game. OU is a money game, and we shouldn't judge anything on it.

    Oh, fuck em and feed em fish


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    Re: Kicking Away the Crickets
    « Reply #7 on: September 03, 2022, 08:01:19 AM »
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  • Beat NMSUx in a couple weeks and I will forget the cUNT game. OU is a money game, and we shouldn't judge anything on it.

    Oh, fuck em and feed em fish

    I think a beating on nm would clean the bad taste left from the UNT game.  The aggies games are always must win games because losing to them is the worst thing a fbs team can do and beating them gets you a good payday and nothing more.  I just want us to look like we had a team that was competitive against OU.  No laugher , please