I listened but didn’t watch. While there was a defensive letdown in the 2nd half, and a lot of turnovers, I think we should feel pretty good about this.
Regardless of the opponent, any game where you have six guys in double figures, one with a double double, and 43% 3 point shooting is a good thing as reflected by 93 points.
In order to beat NMSU we have to correct the defensive letdown and turnovers, but this was a good game 1. It appears to me several of the leaders on this team takes defense seriously and will be corrected. It may take a loss in an otherwise winnable game like NMSU to get everyone in the same place mentally on this, but I think they will by conference play.
It’s a young team and I suspect may frustrate us at times by not always living up to their capabilities. I bet we see them mature over the course of the season and take on an identity and learn how to hang on to a lead