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Basketball Team
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:46:52 AM »
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  • I said awhile back that the team would go as far as Wilms feet would take us.  There is a reason why Omega has disappeared.  There is no balance to the offense because there is no inside threat.  So, teams can play perimeter defense and shut down the shooting.  I feel sorry for Wilms.  He is a good player and would be very good on a team with some strong front court help, but he isn't the kind of "force" in the paint to carry a team. He needs a Vince Hunter beside him.  I feel sorry for the team because the coaching is letting them down.  The team is doing less with the same they had before Floyd quit.  I know, they were losing then too, but the play has gotten worse.  One more thing.  The fine folks up north of   us in Canada have high expectations for their boy from Windsor University and are concerned that he won't get the chances to show how good he is since Floyd left.  I believe that the kid is pretty good but has spent his life playing Canadians.  If he stays at UTEP he will get the chance  to show just exactly how good he can be.  So, hang in there, Osborne.