Obviously this was a vastly inferior opponent so trying to take that into account.
This is a much better shooting team overall. Dos Anjos has a very nice looking shot. Jones looks promising. Kalu panics every time he gets the ball and there's any traffic. Hardy had 10 assists and 0 turnovers. Powell had a whopping 6 turnovers. Ham looked improved.
When you're that much better than your opponent, you lose focus and things get sloppy. So you look for the moments when they are focused to see what there is to see.
Offensively, when they went into a half court set there was a lot more ball movement, better spacing, and the guys just looked more like they understood what they were trying to do. Again, inferior competition.
Defensively, they need work on transition D. In halfcourt D there was one specific thing I was looking for. I may post a manifesto on this at some point. Prevent the next pass. Last year they were awful at it. In this game, at the moments when they were focused, they were pretty decent at it. We'll see how that plays out as we face better opposition.